IN-PERSON EVENT CANCELLED - Pharmacy Solutions Open House and Presentation
The in-person Open House and Presentation Event at Pharmacy Soiutions has been cancelled due to power outages.
If you want to attend virtually, the link for the 4:15 Consumer Session is below as well as the 6pm Practicioner event. Thank you!
Consumer Event 4:15 EST
Practitioner Event 6:00 EST
Pharmacy Solutions is your local compounding pharmacy that has been serving Ann Arbor and the surrounding area for over 22 years. Come see their newly renovated pharmacy and celebrate with food, education, and FREE gifts!
Join them for their Open House and an education presentation topic: Loving Life During Menopause: How to Rock the Hormone Symphony. Featuring Andi Roths, PharmD, Clinical Director, Women’s Health at Belmar Pharma Solutions.
Two sessions will be held to ensure you don't miss out. Registration required. Scan the QRCode below to register.
Date and Time
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EDT
Location Practitioner Event 6:00 ESTConsumer Event 4:15 EST
Contact Information
Pharmacy Solutions at (734) 821-8200

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