Demystifying Grants and Crowdfunding
So you've got a great creative idea for a business or a project and you need to figure out how to fund it. This presentation will give an overview of the world of grants and crowdfunding. These options are not the answer for every need but they can be great tools to expand a creative business, fund a specific project or access training or a residency. Artist/grantwriter Leslie Sobel will share the wealth of options out there to fund projects for creative entrepreneurs. Attendees will leave with a better understanding of what the options are and how to assess which ones might fit their needs.
The Entrepreneurship Center at WCC is pleased to launch the new SERVE: Social Impact program to support on-campus and community entrepreneurs, specifically in the social impact space! A recent donation to the EC will enable the center to offer even more support services to entrepreneurs whose mission and activities are designed to do business for good and benefit communities and individuals who need it most.
Presented by Leslie Sobel, Environmental Artist
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Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
6:30 PM - 7:45 PM EST
November 30th
Contact Information
The Entrepreneurship Center at WCC
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